Shirley Chin Cyndy Yu-Robinson
(617) 633-1735 (919) 625-1207
Shirley_chin@naaap.org cyndy_yu@naaap.org
Asian American convention considered an investment in oneself.
Denver, Colorado (PRWEB) July 15, 2009 -- Impacted but not disheartened by the economic hardships facing the U.S., the National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) is holding its National Convention on August 13-16, 2009 in the Mile-High City, Denver at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The theme is �Leadership at New Heights: Cultivating Leaders for Today and Beyond.�
Confirmed keynote speakers including Maya Lin, world-renowned architect of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, Yul Kwon, winner of reality show Survivor: Cook Islands and a bone marrow donation advocate, and Judge Jerry Hada, an appointed judge to the Denver County Court. They lead an impressive list of accomplished Asian American leaders from business, education, arts, and other fields. Convention participants will enjoy 20 workshops, seminars and panels, the largest Asian American job fair in the U.S., exciting entertainment, the launch of Women in NAAAP program, and networking with professionals from across the U.S. and Canada. The convention is open to NAAAP members and the general public. More than 350 people are expected to attend.
The Diversity Career Fair will feature 100 employers and service providers including sponsors Dell Computer, American Family Insurance, Aramark, and Raytheon Corporation. Convention participants and local walk-throughs will be able to meet hiring managers, professional candidates, purchasing agents, small business vendors, and supplier diversity executives. There is no substitute for face-to-face contact.[for national news release only] �This year�s annual convention and career faire represent a timely investment in ourselves and our careers. Continuing education and networking are keys to success for all professionals looking to leadership positions,� says Brad Baldia, NAAAP�s
Shirley Chin Cyndy Yu-Robinson
(617) 633-1735 (919) 625-1207
Shirley_chin@naaap.org cyndy_yu@naaap.org
Asian American convention considered an investment in oneself.
Denver, Colorado (PRWEB) July 15, 2009 -- Impacted but not disheartened by the economic hardships facing the U.S., the National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) is holding its National Convention on August 13-16, 2009 in the Mile-High City, Denver at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The theme is �Leadership at New Heights: Cultivating Leaders for Today and Beyond.�
Confirmed keynote speakers including Maya Lin, world-renowned architect of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, Yul Kwon, winner of reality show Survivor: Cook Islands and a bone marrow donation advocate, and Judge Jerry Hada, an appointed judge to the Denver County Court. They lead an impressive list of accomplished Asian American leaders from business, education, arts, and other fields. Convention participants will enjoy 20 workshops, seminars and panels, the largest Asian American job fair in the U.S., exciting entertainment, the launch of Women in NAAAP program, and networking with professionals from across the U.S. and Canada. The convention is open to NAAAP members and the general public. More than 350 people are expected to attend.
The Diversity Career Fair will feature 100 employers and service providers including sponsors Dell Computer, American Family Insurance, Aramark, and Raytheon Corporation. Convention participants and local walk-throughs will be able to meet hiring managers, professional candidates, purchasing agents, small business vendors, and supplier diversity executives. There is no substitute for face-to-face contact.[for national news release only] �This year�s annual convention and career faire represent a timely investment in ourselves and our careers. Continuing education and networking are keys to success for all professionals looking to leadership positions,� says Brad Baldia, NAAAP�s
Note: Courtesy content from NAAAP Convention Press Release
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Posted by Tanantha P., PR/Marketing Chair of NAAAP-Seattle