Check out Road to Revolutionary Leadership, Seattle Style video
Less than four weeks left before NAAAP-Seattle starts its journey to Boston, for the 25th NAAAP national Convention & Diversity Career Fair hosted by NAAAP-Boston Aug 11-13. This year's theme is "Road to Revolutionary Leadership."
NAAAP-Seattle will be well represented this year at the National Convention. President Gil Gido, Vice President David Eam, and National Rep Hang Chen are NAAAP national convention veterans. They will be joined by first-time NAAAP convention goers PR/Marketing Chair Julie Pham, Student Relations Chair Amy Duong, Secretary Claire Ding, Social Chair Heidi Yu, and Membership Chair Kevin Chang.
To aid NAAAP Boston's marketing efforts, NAAAP-Seattle Marketing Committee Member Jason Chen produced a special promotional video featuring Seattle's journey. As a musician himself, Chen paid special attention to the soundtrack, using a moody melody to set an introspective tone that contrasts with the call for revolution. The video also features images of Chen and his fellow Marketing committee member, Ngam Nguyen.
Seattle-based company Microsoft is a silver sponsor for the convention.
Come join NAAAP-Seattle in Boston. Registration is still open.
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